ELLIPAL version 2.0 - an upgrade on security

Today, ELLIPAL launched its newest firmware: Version 2.0. This newly developed firmware will give users around the world an even more secure air-gapped hardware wallet. This security update will make ELLIPAL even more fitting to the name “Next Generation Hardware Wallet”, providing the best secure wallet solution to every crypto holders.

ellipal hardware wallet cold wallet

    Enhance the security of hardware wallet

      In version 2.0, we added a few enhancements to prevent some potential threats, in particular, the supply chain attack on hardware modification and changing. After this update, new users now do not have to worry about attacks during shipping of the wallet. For current users, if your hardware wallet is kept away safely, you do not have to upgrade your firmware as your key and crypto are still secure. On the other hand, if you use the wallet frequently or if others could easily access it,  we suggest you to upgrade the system to version 2.0.

      We would like to say thank you to Charles GUILLEMET, Chief Security Officer of Ledger for giving us remarkable advice and cooperating smoothly with ELLIPAL. We are glad to have worked together with you and looking forward to building a better product for the community.



        The Bounty Programme

          ELLIPAL will launch a bounty program to encourage users and researchers to find security vulnerabilities on our cold wallet solution and help us improve the security of ELLIPAL hardware wallet.

          After your findings are submitted back to ELLIPAL, and if they meet the bounty’s conditions, we will reward you and implement your advice.

          We would like to engage more with the many incredible security research communities. We will always move forward with the opinion that there is always a chance that we had missed something and we will keep working on improving our wallet’s security.



            ELLIPAL Metal Mnemonic

              As a hardware wallet company, ELLIPAL wishes to give our users the best security solution as we possibly can. Currently, users can store their private keys safe and isolated inside the ELLIPAL. Our next step is also helping you to securely store you wallet back-up.

              Introducing ELLIPAL Metal Mnemonic, A high quality but affordable steel wallet made by the ELLIPAL team. With this, your keys are untouchable and cannot be stolen on the ELLIPAL hardware wallet while its back-up is also indestructible on ELLIPAL Metal Mnemonic! You can now order it HERE.


              To conclude, ELLIPAL will keep working hard to provide safer and more convenient products for our users, and thank you for all support we get! If you need help upgrading the firmware, don’t be afraid to contact us!

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