How to receive crypto from an exchange/other wallets?

To receive crypto from an exchange/other wallets, please follow these steps:

1. Open the ELLIPAL app or device and locate the receiving address for the network you want to receive crypto on.

Find the receiving address on ELLIPAL device:

Find the receiving address on ELLIPAL app:

2. Initiate the transaction from the other wallet/platform, then scan the QR code or paste the receiving address.
3. Once the transaction is completed, check your balance and transaction history in the ELLIPAL app.

1. Before sending crypto to your address, please ensure that the coin or custom token is supported. Verify the specific contract address and blockchain network (e.g., ERC20, BEP20) associated with the token to avoid any transaction issues. You can check supported tokens and networks here.

2. Some tokens, like USDT (Tether), exist on multiple blockchains such as Ethereum (ERC20) and Binance Smart Chain (BEP20). While the token name is the same, the network determines the type of address used. We specify the blockchain next to the token name to ensure users are aware of the network it operates on. Make sure you select the correct network when sending.

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