Update 2.0 System Version
Update 2.0 System Version
Users with older version of 2.0 will has to update to latest 2.0 (P4081_Ellipal_S_V3 or P4081_Ellipal_V2) first.
Please follow the guide here
1) Download firmware version 2.0 again. It will take a while to download as this is a large update file.
DOWNLOAD v2.0.zip
2) Once downloaded, you will get the "v2.0.zip" file. Use unzip tools such as Winzip or Winrar to decompress the files on to your computer.
3) You will get 4 files as shown here. Please only select these two files as highlighted below in the image:
4) Copy these two files onto your FAT32 formatted and empty SD card.
5) Turn off your ELLIPAL - Insert the SD card - Turn it back on and start the update.
6) Once updated, you can now update to the latest version.